Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wave X Ability Upgrade 6- Light Body Building

--> As the photon belt passes by Earth this summer, we are experiencing heightened energies within our bodies.  We are effectively upgrading our genetic material and our bodies while we’re in them.

On a molecular level, there are unprecedented changes occurring as we integrate higher frequencies of light into our biological material to heal ourselves and experience optimal body conditions.   Light affects our bodies, as we know in the form of X-rays, sunlight, laser surgery, etc.  Some light, like that which we are currently receiving in the form of a cosmic shower, can be highly constructive for our systems.

On a larger bodily scale, certain symptoms may appear temporarily.  Digestion can be greatly accelerated as stored emotions and old heaviness is moved out quickly on the food matter that you ingest.  We are adjusting to living in lighter bodies.  Literally it is our spiritual light body integrating into our physical body.  Many people are being guided to exercise and to strengthen their physical bodies.

Meditation is an obvious way to maximize the benefits of the effects of this highly charged energy on the spirit, mind and body.  You can also balance this with grounding the excessive excitable light energy by eating enough, spending time outdoors, exercising and keeping busy.

If you are shaken up by excessive emotional detoxing during this period, don’t worry, it won’t last forever.  The positive shift should be more established by the end of September and things should settle down then.

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