Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wave X Ability Upgrade 5- Spirit Communication

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This wonderful interstellar spray of gamma waves onto Earth has not lessened in its intensity.  In fact, it is building momentum as the summer continues.

Now I am hearing reports from clients of unusually increased spirit communication.  Clients are seeing angels, holy beings, deceased relatives, meaningful numerological patterns, and other signs of divine guidance more frequently. 

Normally, these beings and messages are around us anyway.  They simply exist in different frequency realities that most people’s human senses cannot hear, see or feel very easily with any kind of discernible understanding.  However, as human capacities are being increased to seeing, hearing and sensing wider ranges of frequencies, our expansive environment is able to communicate more to us. 

The divine beings usually want to support us, however our lack of capacity to receive their love and guidance stands in the way.  Happily. this is changing for people.  It is a great time to take advantage of the love that is available to us by simply opening up and tuning into it. 

Cultivating positive emotions by being in a peaceful place and state can enhance positive interactions with our other dimensional friends.   You may see light, hear messages, or feel their presence.  You may receive wisdom about how to proceed in a particular life situation.  Remember to stay grounded and not get too pulled into a spiritual realm, as it can be very exciting beyond the veil!

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