Monday, December 9, 2019

Self Healing Meditations- CD or MP3


Self Healing Meditations- CD or MP3    

Includes the 3 tracks all on one CD! – Self Healing Meditation, Zikr Breathing Meditation and A Healing Journey, Guided Imagery Meditation.

Self Healing Meditation: With this guided relaxation tool, you can allow your body to restore itself to its natural state of health!  (Mp3 and written format are both included in your purchase.)  

Zikr Breathing Meditation: Based upon a method taught by ancient masters from the East, this breathing meditation helps to elevate and clear your mind and body, and to ultimately connect you with the Divine!

A Healing Journey- Guided Imagery Meditation: This audio takes you into a deep meditation where you will visit a healing garden and receive vibrational healing. Since the mind is a powerful healing tool, by focusing your mind in this way, you are actually allowing healing to occur.

 CD or MP3 version.  Send payment via paypal below and email to order!  

$24.99 (plus S&H)

Please add $3.99 USD for shipping on each book or CD in the mainland USA.  For international shipping rates email to inquire about pricing.

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