To read spiritual poetry is to create an opening for dialogue with the unseen to occur. “The most ecstatic spiritual poetry since Rumi!”
Dr. Rahman merges the spirituality and styles of both the East and West, creating an amazing connection with Divinity for her readers. Her poetry is a portal to heaven.
“God, I write lots of poems to You, for You, and about You,
When are You going to write a love poem for me?!
He said,
Everything is a love poem for you.”
Buy Now on Amazon or purchase via Paypal below.When are You going to write a love poem for me?!
He said,
Everything is a love poem for you.”
Paperback* $21.99 plus S&H. E-book $9.99. Audio-book $14.99
Please add $3.99 USD for shipping on each book or CD in the mainland USA. For international shipping rates email Rahmanheals@gmail.com to inquire about pricing.
* Paperbook cover varies slightly from E-book cover shown above.
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