Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Keys to Happiness

Are You Happy?
Do you want to know the key to happiness?

In just 3 days I moved from a 6-7 on a happiness scale to an 8-10! Within a week I was making more money, hopeful about my future, and happy most of the time. 

The great news is that you can do this too!!

Last month I was inspired to participate in some happiness research being conducted at the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Little did I know that this 2-week intervention would change my life. 
I had been a watcher of The Secret, and a follower of the Law of Attraction for nearly 10 years, but something had not clicked in my brain.  Sure I could make a vision board with the rest of them, but manifesting something now and again seemed like cheap thrills. 
Then this Happiness study at UPenn challenged me to make a positive emotion folder and to look at it for a couple of minutes a day for two weeks.  I later found that this is an actual method called the Kaizen way, in which one takes miniscule steps towards a goal, often only for a couple of minutes a day, which results in the lifting of resistance.  This ultimately changes large life behaviors and patterns. 
Well that is what happened.  I made my gratitude folder filled with links to positive Youtube videos (I had decided this would be my way of logging and expressing my joy, inspiration, etc.).  Initially, I watched one or two videos.  When I had some free time I remembered a few more that I wanted to add to the collection.  As I watched these, I came across more. 
Within several days I had watched hours and hours of uplifting material (mostly consisting of the Law of Attraction as presented by Esther Hicks).  I was literally reprogramming my mind for happiness by consciously making the effort to do so.  What had begun with several minutes a day turned into hours and days of focused effort on cleaning up sloppy, negative thought patterns.
The result was that I learned to maintain an exclusively positive mental state.  Now, I am at levels of happiness nearly all of the time!  Where I had been moderately satisfied with life, I am now so overwhelmingly grateful for what is going well, that I am thrilled with life!  Like a child, I optimistically find every moment to be full of potential for joyful experiences.
The scale below shows what Law of Attraction has referenced as the emotional guidance scale. One must strive to stay as high on the list as possible in order to be connected to Source and to creative energy.  This is of utmost importance.  THIS IS WHAT MOST PEOPLE MISS IN THE LAW OF ATTRACTION TEACHINGS!!  People usually focus on their goals so much that they fall down into discouragment (16) or dissapointment (12).  My work was to keep myself at contentment (7) or above at all times! Setting that intention is what led to my ability to discipline my thoughts and ultimately to become a happier person in just days. 
I will be writing a book on this process called Positive Psychology and the Law of Attraction, coming in the summer of 2016.  Meanwhile, enjoy the scale and try to move to high levels of thought where your mind is at Divine levels, and your emotional currency is being spent well.
If you would like to find out more about my happiness healing services click here GET HAPPY NOW! or email me at Rahmanheals@gmail.com

The Emotional Guidance Scale

1.            Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
2.            Passion
3.            Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4.            Positive Expectation/Belief
5.            Optimism
6.            Hopefulness
7.            Contentment
8.            Boredom
9.            Pessimism
10.          Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11.          Overwhelment
12.          Disappointment
13.          Doubt
14.          Worry
15.          Blame
16.          Discouragement
17.          Anger
18.          Revenge
19.          Hatred/Rage
20.          Jealousy
21.          Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22.          Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

From the book “Ask and It is Given”,  E. Hicks,  p. 114

Holistic Therapy With Rahman


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