Ok, so I am just getting a hang of this one. What is happening, due to our accelerated energetic enlightenment this summer, has been wonderful to follow. As we expand in our spiritual consciousness we are experiencing new abilities and gifts.
The collapsing, or merging, of timelines is an important skill of awareness to apply in order to live in the joyful reality that we are moving towards. We have been falsely programmed with strong ideas of lack in the present moment, and desire for fulfillment that lies in the future. This is a flawed program. In an enlightened state, one does not suffer from want to the same degree since one is able to access the state of oneness with God and the Universe in which all timelines are realized in the Now moment. In the Now, all is always as it should be. Stay firmly rooted and stable in the multi-dimensional Now. And TRUST the unfolding of the moment; exist in a state of peaceful surrender.
Do you want wealth? Realize how you are abundant now. Do you want health? Realize your eternal well-being. Do you want love? You are love... I introduced these ideas a few years ago in my book You Are God- A Handbook for the Divine in Each of Us. If we feel an illusion of lack, we are not connected to our Divine True Self and need to re-establish that connection to our higher spiritual Self.
I've been falling in and out of the Now, sometimes living for the future, and at other times experiencing the timeless bliss of heavenly contentment. The goal is to stay in the latter state and this wave of energy that is encompassing the earth now and culminating at the end of Sept. 2015 should help bolster us considerably in this task.
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