Saturday, July 25, 2015

4 Ways to Heal from a Broken Heart

A client recently asked me to address this issue. Sadness is something that most of us can identify with, and part of the human experience is learning to cope with it successfully. Some of these may seem like common sense solutions but actually applying them makes all of the difference!

1. Recognize the limitless potential of the universe
This is a huge one. Usually we are sad when we think we've lost something or missed out on something. Alternately, we fear that we will lose a chance for happiness in the future.
The good news is that we live in an unlimited universe. A great spiritual poet one said, ..."Now, if I lose anything, I say, God what happened? And a thousand more appear in its place." What does this mean? This means, the moment we start to feel or fear lack, we need to expand our vision and remember what we are dealing with. Reality is generous, expansive and responsive. So don't forget that there are always new avenues to explore!

2. Move!
Staying stagnant is a great way to get depressed. Keep your thoughts, energy and body moving in inspired ways. Meet up with good, happy, spiritual people and their positive ways of thinking will rub off on you.
Clean or organize your life; decluttering can make you feel better. Play sports or simply walk outside. Spending time in nature is therapeutic. Don't let whatever is holding your mind back completely paralyze you. Pray, meditate, and shake up your thoughts! Human brains are repetitive in nature and somewhat unruly, so training them with thoughts of gratitude will help to block and reprogram any negative chemical cascades that you've been allowing which were causing sadness.

3. Keep good company
Sometimes this means being alone. The Angels are around us so we are never really alone though. If you are able to tune into their comforting presence that is wonderfully soothing.
Or as mentioned above, meet with uplifting friends. A study was conducted which showed that people are highly influenced by their few closest friends that they spend time with. Health, eating habits, and happiness were all greatly similar among the friends (Buettner, 2015). Be conscious about choosing who you spend time with as it will effect your happiness.

4. Eat well
Eating well means eating enough nutritious food when you are hungry. Eating directly from nature has incredibly light, positive energy. Our bodies need fresh fruits and vegetables, and we need to detoxify from excess toxins that occur in processed foods, meats, etc. Also in our society people tend to consume excess sugar and sometimes caffeine. Be aware of your diet and your body's needs. B vitamins and many others influence our mood, so if you want to heal your emotions having a balanced diet is a big help.

Ultimately, as they say, time heals, so take heart. As you apply these methods they become easier and easier!


Buettner, D. 2015. The Blue Zones Solution. National geographic society. Washington, DC

Ladinsky, D. 2002. Love Poems From God. Penguin Books. New York, NY

Rahman Beckwith, PsyD (exp. 2016) is a Holistic Therapist in PA who applies alternative healing techniques to the mind, body and spirit. She is a doctoral candidate for PsyD degrees in Holistic and Spiritual Psychology. Rahman holds a Bachelor's degree in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. She has three books available on Amazon, You Are God- A Handbook for the Divine in Each of Us, Novice: 40 Days of Capturing the Divine with Love Poems from a Spiritual Heart, and I am Rumi, Where is My Shams? Like her FB page Holistic Therapy with Rahman for updates.

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