Thursday, March 2, 2017
Healing Effects of Nature
I just meditated in the ocean in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, before heading off for a seminar in the Caribbean tomorrow, and the beach was amazing!
I recall touring a mansion down here once, and learning about how people used to have houses by the sea in order to heal various illnesses. During the winter they would come down from northern towns to live by the water. The sun has healing and sanitizing effects ( for example it helps with the production of vitamin D), as does the salt water and even the sand. The combined effect is better than a day at the spa! And then there is the full body exercise that one obtains while walking, swimming and playing in nature. Even healthy people may choose to spend short periods away basking in warm weather if they live in cold climates.
If you are not able to manage an excursion to a warm location, you can still go outside regularly to experience the healing effects of nature wherever you are! Breathe in and appreciate it!
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