Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wave X Ability Upgrade 8- Interdimensional travel/Out of body experiences

Also known as astral projection and soul traveling, out of body experiences are scientifically studied and have fascinated people for ages. They regularly happen to all of us when we sleep.  This summer, we are experiencing increased astrological activity which is causing heightened spiritual experiences among many people. As increased spiritual energy is applied to the body, the spiritual body is amped up and able to travel more easily through various dimensions, times and spaces, even when we are awake.

In addition, physical conditions such as over-eating, heat and fatigue make it easy to slip out of the body into what feels like almost an afternoon nap.  In reality you may be visiting another dimension.  This can also happen more easily at times when you are waking up as your soul is still out of your body from its night time travels.

During this out of body travel, you may preview a future experience to which you are looking forward. You may visit a friend and remote view, or watch them from a distance.  Or you may get caught in fourth dimensional imaginings. Remember the fourth dimension is a particularly illusory realm of images and beings, like a dream world where you can fantasize. But being stuck there is a great way to lose time quickly from the third dimensional perspective.

I would suggest spending time exercising or in nature in order to return to your body. Or surrender fully to the experience, say a prayer to clear any abherent energy, and then take a nap. Hopefully upon waking you will be back to yourself, able to live in the material third dimension as well as the higher realms of divine unity and love, such as the 5th and above. But being stuck in the 4th dimension is a symptom of the high energy times that we are in so be aware that if you feel foggy or are wasting periods of time, that you may simply be in a spiritual body traveling to other times or places. If you are particularly drawn to a person or place this will make the pull even stronger.

On the upside you can gain a broader perspective and detachment when you spend time above the third dimension. People who want to escape this material reality often find refuge in video games which mimic the fourth dimension by providing characters and landscapes which have instantaneous manifesting ability, flight, magic, superpowers, etc. During the time of playing the game, the player is released from the limits of his third dimensional body and life, and he feels the release of higher dimensional experience. This is one reason that video game playing can feel therapeutic and also addictive for some people.

For more on spiritual traveling see my article: http://energyhealing-with-rahman.blogspot.com/2015/04/dont-get-caught-in-4th-dimension.html?m=0

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