Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Wave X Ability Upgrade 3- Spiritual Ecstasy
Since Wave X, a proton belt which has been influencing the Earth this summer, is causing heightened feelings, one logical use for this energy is to ride it to spiritual heights.
I discovered that if one allows love to be in their energy field, that it will be amplified and magnified so much during these energetic times! The same is true for spiritual love.
So you can bring yourself to a state of worship, perhaps through mentally practicing gratitude, talking with spiritual friends, listening to spiritual music, being in nature, or whatever method works for you. Then, you can feel the bliss amplify naturally due to the gamma waves which are radiating into Earth and us. You may sense your heart chakra vibrating and opening. You may want to sing, dance, leap or cry in the wonder of it all. You may feel close to the divine, or feel great love for humanity. Enjoy it, because this wave is bringing up a great deal of turbulence for everyone, the least we can do is take a nice ride on it for a while :)
Also, it will undoubtedly open up your energy to more positive upgrades if you do this. These gifts work together, so obviously, if you can reach spiritual heights, you will be better at making portals, for example.
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