Monday, August 3, 2015

Don't Mistake your Twin Soul Love for a Karmic Relationship

Meeting and loving your Soul Twin is an unparalleled experience of incredible divine love and unity. Sometimes however, due to residual undiscarded karmic reactions we will not recognize our Twin Soul mate right away. If we harbor fear of being hurt, for example, we may repeatedly interpret his/her advances or actions towards us as playing games or toying with us. If (s)he is too shy to approach us we may judge them harshly. This is due to our own karma, not to them. They may have the best of intentions.

In order to be sufficiently clear to recognize and receive a divine relationship we have to do several things. We have to be growing spiritually of course. This means doing our own meditations, prayers, readings, energy healings, spiritual conversing, etc. So in this, we have to examine our relationship responses. If we are not responding to people around us, and to potential partners with love, compassion and kindness, then we are just hurting ourselves and have some growing to do.

There are very spiritually evolved people who can literally be in heaven most of the time but who, when a relationship presents itself, fall back into the karmic 3 dimensional realm. They re-engage in playing out dramas of abuser and abused. They fear, or hope excessively instead of surrendering. 

When one resists the inner urges to judge, demand, desire excessively, etc., and instead approaches the relationship with an air of spiritual optimism, this is when we are holding our stand in heaven while loving on earth. This requires big surrender, surrender to the possibility of it not going as you hope. But you are a fully integrated spiritual being with male and female energy and above all, a connection to God. So this should hold you steady. Not to mention that you have your connection to your soul twin as well, whether they be incarnated on earth or in the heavens. And I don't want to discount this as being an incredible stabilizing force- it is. However, your hold on it should be relaxed and not pulling or demanding. 

Also, the more you reassure your soul twin and treat them with kindness, the more you will feel peace because your energy bodies and emotions are very intertwined.  Your being kind doesn't mean that they won't run from you though. Some soul twins become runners, meaning they flee from the relationship temporarily to heal or work on some unresolved issues. But they must inevitably return as well. So don't ever fear losing them. You can't really. But like with God, you can block your awareness of love's presence with them due to your own issues. 

The pain of separation from love is particularly poignant if we are acting with karmic responses to a twin flame because when we push them away due to fear or doubt, we are hurting ourselves, literally. Since we are intrinsically energetically connected to them, we will feel all the more confused. 

So it behooves us all to be in top spiritual shape at this time when earth is gracing many of us with soul mates and twin flames. In order to be in a divine relationship, you have to be a divine being! 

To learn more about spiritual practices that uplift watch my YouTube video How To Meditate- Zikr Breathing Instructions. And for personal healings and readings email me at 

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