Wednesday, April 8, 2015

An Open Letter to My Clients, for Those Who Have Gifted or Troubled Children

Your children are incredible souls who have come into the world to overcome obstacles and shine brightly in doing so. However, those obstacles can seem overwhelming at points and that can be disheartening.
As a child of the 80's myself, I know the unique sensitivity that some of us possess, as well as the unique gifts. I am currently reading The Indigo Children, The New Kids Have Arrived, which talks about the challenges that face many in our generation. Another book that I would recommend is the Care and Feeding of the Indigo Children by Doreen Virtue, PhD. Basically, the main idea is that many of this generation are highly intuitive, sensitive, and maybe even a little psychic. That can make us more prone to anxiety, anger, sadness or any emotions (positive or negative) which we can absorb easily from those around us, crowds, or an environment. These feelings can be so overwhelming that some of us turn to substance use, addictions, isolation, overworking, OCD or other ways of drowning out the feelings.

On the positive side, many of us have high spiritual gifts that, when appreciated and cultivated are very rewarding for the holder of the gifts and those around him/her as well. Living one's soul's purpose brings a peace, joy and vitality that cannot be found in any other way. To fully accept these gifts, one has to begin by looking for them, and understanding them. Having a greater spiritual context for one's existence is beneficial towards accomplishing this. Also, clearing one's energy of any of the above mentioned negativity helps to allow the gifts to open in a safe space.

The clearing of negativity and opening of personal gifts is something that I would be happy to work with your son/daughter on, or whatever else comes up as issues that he/she needs to address. I do distance healing sessions with clients on the phone or Skype. I can also work on them without their knowledge, by just sending healing energy to them, however it is usually more effective if they are a willing participant. This is my website You can let me know if you'd like to schedule a session.

Wishing you the best,

Rahman Beckwith

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